In 2015, the ¡°Middle school exchange program¡± in our school has been continually bringing exciting news, the business with different countries has expand rapidly, in addition to the programs in UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, the new opening exchange programs in west region of America, California and east region, Pennsylvania have proceeded in an all-round way as well. The business range expanded from Nova Xcotia in souteast Canada to four provinces of the Atlantic ( New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador), and these regions are all most beautiful parts of Canada which have been listed in the U.S. Geographic Magzine as ¡° one of the must-see places. The cooperative project with Canberra has developed steadily into the stage of multiple cooperating with Sydney and Melbourne, this project not only excellent in the ¡°middle school exchange program¡± but also released the popular project of ¡° study + travel+work ¡± which is more suitable for college students and working adults.
With the great demand of oversea educantion, the number of exchange students is increasing rapidly, thus, the service of ¡°going abroad for study¡± has become a potential and valuable invest plan. The education service team which authorized by official agency started to play an essential role in such a value chain as what we definately do.
Among these new opening states and regions, students could not only choose the exchange program they prefer, but also apply for all kinds of middle schools and colleges among 50 states all around America through our branch agency set in California, Canada and Australia. As the strategic partner of provincial public education bureau of Australia and Canada, our students have the priority to choose any kind of schools at the same time with students abroad while they are having their calsses in China, therefore, this kind of priority could save both money and time for the parents.
Inaddion to the new opening states above mentioned, we have started several programs in Italy and Korea such as winter/summer camp, exchange students, study+travel . The registrations for minority language classes is proceeding from now on.
